Engraving to colour - The White Rabbit

Engraving to colour
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Sold by Musée des Confluences Museum
Musée des Confluences


Original illustration by John Tenniel (1820-1914) adapted by Happy Remix Productions. This white rabbit, drawn for the original edition of Lewis Carroll'sAlice in Wonderland in 1865, needs no introduction. Alice enters Wonderland by following him down the rabbit hole. What if colouring it in had the same effect?

Product information

Technical specification

Format 30 x 40 cm (standard for framing)
Each set contains 1 sheet of 300g natural white watercolour paper
+ 1 sheet of 100g paper (printed with the same image) for testing.
The paper is suitable for all colouring techniques: watercolours, pencils, pastels, felt-tip pens, etc.