Constance Guisset Studio
Constance Guisset Studio
Constance Guisset Studio was founded in 2009. Specializing in design, interior architecture and scenography, it brings together around Constance Guisset a team of designers and architects. The studio strives to create ergonomic and light objects, lively and welcoming, emanating from a desire for movement, delicacy and surprise. Since 2009, Constance Guisset has produced scenographies for shows, notably those of the ballets Le Funambule, Les Nuits and La Fresque by Angelin Preljocaj, the concert by Laurent Garnier at the Salle Pleyel or the choreography Everyness by Wang Ramirez. She also designs exhibition scenographies for the Musée des Arts décoratifs, the musée du quai Branly in Paris and the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Lille or for brands such as Galeries Lafayette and Molteni (2011, Best Scenography Award, D'Days, Paris).
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